Sunday, December 21, 2008

Panama City Beach - Blue Angels to Visit in March

If you are going to be staying in our Panama City Beach Condo at the end of March you will have the opportunity to see the Blue Angels...

Panama City Beach - Tyndall Air Force Base got a visit from a slightly flashier flier, Friday.

U.S. Navy Blue Angels No. 7 dropped by to iron out some details before this spring's air show. The Navy F/A-18, painted blue and gold, arrived bearing Navy Lts. Amy Tomlinson, event coordinator, and Ben Walborn, narrator and advance pilot. Tomlinson said the performance team is practicing maneuvers in Pensacola and will eventually transfer to California to polish the routine. Tyndall's Gulf Coast Salute, held March 28-29, is the third of 36 scheduled appearances for the team in 2009.

"We come to the airfield just to work out the logistics and coordination with the air show committee in order to set up a successful and safe air show," she said. Tomlinson said the finishing touches are coming together on the year's routine, which must be blessed by the Federal Aviation Administration before it may be performed. "There may be some new maneuvers. There was one added last year called the ‘delta breakout' at the end of the show," she said.

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